Millwrights with a clean background and good credit are needed for North Anna Nuclear Power Station in Mineral Virginia.
Member must be a journeyman or third year and up apprentice. There are only a few apprentice spots left.
Millwrights that work regularly on the nuclear circuit are strongly prefferred.
Work is scheduled for 6-12's with a premium day and a double time day still included.
$90 a day per diem and a minimum of $300 in and $300 out pay for members living more than 50 miles from the plant.
Start dates will be February 22nd, 23rd and 28th
Please have members contact Stephen Verrocchio at 703 817 6005 to commit to this outage

Thank you,

"The UBC has been great in finding the qualified millwrights that we need."

Shane Ferguson, Labor Coordinator, Universal Plant Services

UBC Millwrights

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