Millwright Local 740 is in need of 4 Conveyor mechanics to work on a Amazon facility project in Dutchess County N.Y.

Skills OSHA , lift truck, Aerial lift operator
Start Date Monday February 28, 2022 @7 AM
Hours : . 5/10s and 8 hr on Saturday
Duration : 8 -10 weeks
Wages $44.25 per Hr
Fringes $ 40.94 per Hr

Please contact NYCDC Dispatch @ 212-366- 3322 and ask for the AMAZON details.
Thank you
John Montgomery

"The UBC millwright crews did very well and they were very professional. The UBC has provided us with a level of expertise that is beyond what we expected. The most important asset is their skill set. The training that the UBC provides millwrights is to be commended."

Mike Arnoff, Owner, Arnoff (Mechanical Equipment) Moving

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