Currently looking for 1 journeyman millwright, preferably experienced with paper machines and/or new equipment installation.

Project Duration: 1 to 2 months

Hours: 5 days a week, 12 hour shifts

Total Taxable wage is 31.57

Healthcare – 7.28

Pension – 13.81

Supplemental Pension – 3.00

Perdiem will be paid per day worked and based on the distance of your home address to the job site.

Please contact Scott Huff for additional information.

"The UBC millwright crews are highly productive, with few non-recordable and zero recordable injuries. For logging over 100,000 hours worked on the job so far, that’s not too bad."

Michael F. McCormick, President, Siemens Westinghouse Generation Services President

UBC Millwrights

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